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Your mind is far more powerful than you think!

Learn to unleash its resources and use them to break through whatever keeps you from living a happy, fulfilled, and serene life or to regain control when things are not going well. The mind is the intangible set of faculties consisting of various cognitive and non-cognitive aspects, called the conscious mind and, respectively, the subconscious mind.

Everyone wants a happy, meaningful, and fulfilling life. However, happiness, serenity, and health are not randomly given to some lucky ones and not to others. It is up to each of us to pursue and achieve them. Somatic Hypnotherapy can help you tap into the vast resources of your subconscious mind and break free from anything holding you back from achieving your dreams. This approach can help you overcome stress, trauma, anxiety, phobias, grief, guilt, shame, insomnia, pain, tics, spasms, and much more. My excellent references are a guarantee of my seriousness and integrity.

As long as life spoils them, people tend to believe that their well-being is the natural result of nothing but their desires and rational choices. Only when things go wrong or get out of control - and people try to regain control but consistently fail - do they realize that their rational control helps them do whatever they want only if and as long as they are not overwhelmed by strong emotional or physical feelings. When emotions or pain get involved, they tend to influence, disrupt, and even bypass the rational mind and thus trigger ingrained patterns of behavior that may cause one to react inappropriately.

Most people terrified of tiny spiders, airplanes, elevators, etc., are not naive; they know these things are not dangerous. Yet they may still overreact to some triggers because they experience an irrational, visceral fearful feeling that makes them panic when encountering them, not because of a fit of madness or because they suddenly forget spiders, elevators, airplanes, and so on are not dangerous. Because, whether rational or irrational, strong feelings of fear can override the conscious mind and take over thoughts, decisions, and behavior. Let's say you overreact to something specific, say spiders. In such a case, my goal would not be to convince you that spiders are not dangerous but to help you reset the feeling (somatic component) of your irrational fear of spiders so that you are no longer afraid of spiders and will never overreact when you encounter them again.

Your patterns of emotional responses are not only the most significant ingredient of your identity and a major aspect of your quality of life, but they are also the most undeniable proof that you are not a soulless, heartless, and purposeless biochemical machine but a sentient human in search of meaning, purpose, and happiness! Of course, everyone wants to be happy. Yet, since there are so many unhappy and sick people, everyday reality doesn't emerge necessarily from people's wishes and desires. Even if, by your willpower, you manage to control to some extent the behavior induced by your emotions, I doubt your willpower alone can end your pain or anxiety, just by wishing it! Because by all scientific standards, emotions, behavior, long-term memory, and stress response are processed and regulated by the limbic system - a part of your brain that evades control of intentional thoughts. Try selectively erasing a particularly disturbing memory or image and see if it works.

Of course, when you mentally review your emotionally significant life experiences, your thoughts can change your "state of mind" by triggering emotional feelings related to those memories. However, contrary to popular belief, none of the 82 known behavioral theories claim that intentional thought alone could create or induce emotional feelings. Even though emotions are mental experiences, it does not mean intentional thoughts can create emotional feelings out of sheer willpower; neither happiness nor misery are created by your intentional thoughts. While thoughts are pure mental experiences and feelings are sensory experiences, emotions are defined as the result of a process of cognitive reading (mirroring) of emotional feelings. It is important to understand that by any linguistic or scientific standard, feelings, thoughts, and emotions are concepts with substantially different meanings.

While the cerebral cortex is in charge of your thoughts, when it comes to feelings and emotions, all roads lead to the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and limbic system (LS), which regulates unintentional processes. Whether it is about inducing (generating) emotions, about their expression (smiling, laughing, crying, screaming, etc.), their experience (the way we feel them: blushing, heartbeat, nausea, breathing difficulties, tightness, stiffness, pain, etc.), or even the recognition of emotions (happiness, surprise, sadness, fear, anger, disgust, etc.), the role of ANS and LS is essential. Even though these complex processes linked to emotions are non-intentional and the brain's ability to control them by your sheer will is therefore very limited, understanding their coherent nature is the right key to achieving control over the disruptive emotions you would like to overcome.

Your emotional feelings are deep-rooted and can get stuck where they manifest within you, whether you call that depth of yourself your subconsciousness, your soul, your spirit, your peripheral nervous system, or simply your body. When you feel trapped by stress, anxiety, traumas, or other disturbing feelings, you have the choice to see them as an inevitable part of life and to believe that the best you can do is to learn to deal with them, or to see them as a harmful presence that you wish to uproot and leave behind. I believe that you not only can but must let go the disturbing feelings that keep you trapped in your past. Living with stress, anxiety, or other unpleasant feelings is like walking with pebbles in your shoes! You will no longer be able to focus on your priorities. Your uncomfortable feelings will distract you, interfere with your thoughts, and drain all of your energy. Learn to listen to your body's whispers before they turn into painful screams!

Don't fall into the false belief that there is nothing you can do to change your fate! If you neglect your negative feelings, they can build up and wreak havoc on all aspects of your emotional and physical health. Surprisingly, what can affect all aspects of your daily life is not the objective assessment of your past events, but the lingering emotional feelings induced by the subjective perception of those events. Although you cannot change the factual past, you can still control the emotional memory of your past experiences by reprogramming the subconscious patterns of your unpleasant emotional reactions. Whether you are at the beginning of your distress or already living with unpleasant negative feelings on a daily basis, Somatic Hypnotherapy can be helpful.

Hypnotherapy has evolved considerably throughout its existence, especially since Dr. James Braid described it in terms of an empirical medical approach in 1843. The different types of hypnotherapy available today differ greatly in their philosophy, approach and results. Somatic Hypnotherapy is a very particular type of therapy under hypnosis which distinguishes by its pragmatic approach and, above all, by its spectacular results. While conventional types of hypnotherapy focus on adding successive layers of positive feelings on top of your lingering negative feelings, Somatic Hypnotherapy helps you identify, assess, and ease or eliminate unpleasant emotional or somatic feelings, as you see fit. Since behavior is determined by how you feel rather than what you think about your feelings, the easiest way to change behavior is to change how you feel. 

Unlike conventional hypnotherapy approaches that aim to help you "learn" new patterns of positive emotional responses, this approach helps you "unlearn" your negative patterns. Thus, through its personalized approach, Somatic Hypnotherapy can help you free yourself from uncomfortable feelings that keep you trapped in the past and prevent you from living in the present moment. Somatic Hypnotherapy can help overcome stress, anxiety, trauma, phobias, grief, guilt, shame, pain, tics, spasms, undesirable behaviors, bad habits, insomnia, and much more. With time and experience, the principle of "No Results - No Pay" has become the guarantor of the seriousness and ethics of my work, and it applies to all of my therapies. I love my work and my excellent references are proof of that.

When looking for extraordinary results, you better consider out-of-the-ordinary approaches! Most conventional approaches aim to teach you how to develop a good lifestyle and avoid thoughts, images, and situations that would trigger your lingering unwanted feelings. However, I hope you have better things to do than to constantly learn how to deal with your disturbing emotional feelings. Dare to think outside the box! You are entitled to live the life that suits you! You should be able to browse through the images of your unpleasant memories and think about anything you want, without the fear of triggering your once unpleasant feelings. What if, as if by magic, you could achieve the level of serenity where you could think about anything you wanted, and your thoughts would no longer trigger any of your formerly unpleasant or painful feelings? Incredible as it may sound, this is what Somatic Hypnotherapy can help you achieve! 

While the conscious mind's process of consciously learning a new desired reflex, habit, or emotional response pattern may require time and sustained effort, the subconscious mind's learning process is almost instantaneous. It only takes a split second for the subconscious mind to learn an unhealthy emotional response to a situation that is perceived as life threatening, dangerous, or emotionally stressful. The good news is that with this approach, the subconscious mind can unlearn unhealthy emotional response patterns as quickly as it has learned them. This is how, at the end of your therapy, by mentally exploring your worst memories, you will have the impression that your heart has relieved, or even completely forgotten, the stressful, anxious, traumatic or painful feelings (sensory component) of the unpleasant events of the past or future projections on which we have worked - while your cognitive memory keeps intact the associated images and factual details.

With Somatic Hypnosis, you are not undergoing a passive script therapy. The beauty of this approach is that I'm helping you rearrange your perception of your reality as you see fit. Your subconscious mind will obediently respond to your wishes and follow your instructions. I will be there for you, guiding and assisting you throughout your change process. You will become the master of your own change. While under Somatic Hypnosis, the moment your subconscious mind agrees to break with the unpleasant feelings of the past, your new emotional reality will kick in and you will clearly feel that there is no longer any unpleasant feeling associated with the events we have worked on*.

Although at the end of your therapy, you will most likely be free of any feelings of anxiety, stress, trauma, pain, or other unpleasant feelings related to the past events we have been working on, you are only at the beginning of your healing process. Even though Somatic Hypnotherapy helps you reset your past issues, this approach is not some magic spell that will protect you from future problems. My approach aims not to make you believe that you are some "Superman" and to push you to live like a carefree sleepwalker for the rest of your life.

My job is to help you identify and remove the padlocks that keep you locked by your self-limiting metaphysical beliefs. I can help you reset your past issues that keep you trapped in your past and prevent you from moving forward. Whatever the nature of your emotional wounds, I can help you heal them as if they never happened. However, learning from your experiences and living your life is your job. Somatic Hypnotherapy can help you even if nothing else has worked for you. Yet the only "magic" ingredients for a spectacular change are the skills of your hypnotherapist and your willingness to change.

This innovative approach to wellness is so efficient that you can solve several interrelated issues in one session and asses your results on the spot throughout your session. My promise is that you will see significant improvement in your issue right after your first therapy session, provided the problem you wish to work on is within my expertise and you are not alexithymic! If you don't see any improvement at the end of your first session, I will not accept your money.

Discover how to use your subconscious mind to beautify your life by turning your stress, anxiety, trauma, and pain into serene, distant memories. Learn to listen to your heart, to trust your intuition and the wisdom of your spirit. Your heart and your spirit are much smarter than you think!

You are here for a reason, and whatever that reason is, don't allow it to cripple your life: it's a safe bet that Somatic Hypnotherapy can help you.

The "No Results - No Pay" principle guarantees my integrity and applies to all my therapies.

As stress and anxiety are most likely the leading cause of your issues, before filling in the appointment request, please self-assess your anxiety online and make an informed choice.

Contact me and book your appointment today! Let this be the most exciting experience of your life, and I will be happy to help you on your journey.

You can reach me by filling out the contact form below.

Disclaimer: The above article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author. It is intended for general informational purposes and does not constitute psychological or medical professional advice. I don't diagnose medical conditions, nor do I interfere with any treatments given by your medical professional.

If you already are under the care of a doctor or under medical treatment, follow the advice and treatment recommended by your doctor. For any medical emergency, call the Info-Santé service by dialing 8-1-1

*The results may vary from person to person.

Somatic Hypnotherapy - 186 Sutton Pl, suite 104, Beaconsfield, Montréal, Qc, H9W 5S3


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