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My references

        Here are some of the most relevant public references of my work, published on the main social networks.

“This hypnotherapy was life changing for me. It completely lifted deep oppressive feelings of stress and anxiety that I had and which I did not realize had such weight on my life and overall state of mind until they were lifted. I am grateful every day that life led me to find Alex and his therapy and I write this post hoping it can lead others to do the same. Thank you Alex for you genuine and thorough approach.” Linda M. – posted on Yelp

"AMAZING EXPERIENCE !!! I've never met a more genuinely caring individual. First he took the time to listen to my concerns. Then he explained how the process works. His Somatic Hypnotherapy process is life changing. You see and feel the difference in yourself immediately. Thank you ALEX! I feel like a new person." Tom K.

"I can't even describe how incredible this treatment/therapy is. Alex is so attentive and understanding. He listens well and gets to the root of the problem without hesitation. After one session, I immediately felt better. I decided on a second treatment three months later... Fine tune what I already took care of and after two weeks, I see things so much clearer. Alex's therapy works. I would highly recommend him to anyone that wants to make a change in their lives. Thank you Alex for helping me."- Jennifer P.

"I recently had an incredible hypnotic session with Alex, and I cannot recommend him enough! The experience was transformative and truly helped me confront and heal some of my demons. Alex's expertise and compassionate approach created a safe and welcoming environment, allowing me to explore deep-rooted traumas effectively.
If you’re looking for a way to heal and seek guidance, I highly recommend Alex. His skills and support can make a significant difference in your journey towards emotional well-being. Thank you, Alex, for your amazing work !" - Alexandra L.

"I’ve been in many different forms of therapy. I had a lot of things to work through in my life, but as soon as I sat down with Alex, I had a feeling I was in the right place, right in the nick of time. I spent a few hours on his couch and I walked out of there completely changed and in disbelief. He had saved me from disaster! Sounds dramatic but he did, and the changes were dramatic! I am forever grateful for what he did and for also teaching me things that were essential for the continuation of my healing process. I highly recommend him to anyone. Whether you're in great distress and don’t know where else to search, or if you simply want to grow by freeing yourself from the burden of the past you carry with you, maybe unnecessarily." - M. Nicolas

"Mr.Priala, I cannot express enough my gratitude towards him. A man of integrity, honesty and openness. I enjoyed so very much my experience. Sometimes, you need someone like him, to help. Plain and simple, I definitely recommend him. Thank you Again Mr.Priala." - Julie F.

"IT WORKS!!! A million stars. I was skeptical, I felt like my anxiety and trauma was so engrained that I wasn’t sure  I could ever improve it. I have been through many therapies over the years so I felt like I’d tried everything. But when I saw the other reviews, I thought maybe there was a chance this could work. And it did! Alex helped me more in three hours than I’ve accomplished in years of therapy.
Here’s how it works : The first hour or so is spent talking to find the things you want to work on. Then you have the hypnotherapy session. After the session you’ll “test” how it worked by thinking of your previously triggering thoughts. (They didn’t bother me anymore!) I was amazed at how I felt compared to before the session. It’s CRAZY how fast this works. I never thought I would feel this free of anxiety again, but here we are!
If you’re thinking of about it, just do it. He also has a guarantee, so if you don’t feel a difference you don’t pay! You have nothing to lose but years of anxiety-free happiness. Literally already told friends they have to have a session. Freaking life changing. I’m so grateful I got the courage to book this appointment and just do it. I only wish I had found this years earlier." - Katie M.

"Make the appointment! I decided to try Somatic Hypnotherapy after doing many sessions of conventional therapy to ovecome past trauma but being unable to shake some lingering sadness that felt rooted in my body. Alex's approach is unconventional, and to be totally honest, it seemed impossible that a 3-hour session could help nix bad feelings from years of trauma. I waited a few weeks to write this review, and I have to say that it seems to have worked. The session itself is nothing wild, but it's obvious that Alex has put lots of research into his methodology.  I can honestly say that I feel lighter, happier, more confident, and more grateful for everything I have in my life." - Renee M.

"I had a very powerful experience with Alex and Somatic Hypnotherapy. I felt significant improvement after just the first session and even more peace and tranquility after the second. Most of the tension I was carrying in my body is gone. The issues from my past that we addressed during our sessions that had caused me pain no longer bother me in the same way. I haven't felt this light in years. I would highly recommend Alex and somatic hypnotherapy to anyone suffering from anxiety or stress." - H. Rood

"My experience with Alex Priala through his Somatic Hypnotherapy session has been life changing. Alex is a true healer and a compassionate soul. I came away feeling a sense of calm and serenity that I had never achieved through many experiences with cognitive behavior therapy. Thank you Alex! " - Susan T.

"Alex and his unique approach, simply deliver results. Immediate results after only one session. Expect miracles." - S. Nijemcevic

"Alex is very kind and generous with his knowledge, his skills and his time. I am touched by his caring and how he follows up. The experience is like nothing i have done before (I have had Hypnotherapy before for other purposes), after the session it took me a couple of days to feel adjusted and I had this sense of feeling "lighter". I would recommend to anyone looking to improving their wellbeing and alleviate the strong emotions linked to past traumas. Thank you Alex!” – Sara L.

"Mr. Priala is a brilliant man, probably misunderstood due to his extend knowledge in the field. He truly has a desire to help others, and a passion for what he does. You also need a practitioner that you feel comfortable and who will be honest regards your treatment." - Caroline K.

"I am amazed at how much I have changed since my session with Alex. It's a shame I didn't know of this 20 years ago as I would have done it sooner. But everything happens when it's supposed to happen. Hence thank you for the help Alex. I am in a better place now.  Highly recommended! " - John F.

"It’s been over a month since I had my appointment, and I needed to wait to ensure the results were not just a dream....Coming from a scientific background and being a rational and discreet person, I decided to test this approach out of curiosity and was happy to see how simple and respectful it was, exempt of magic and not intrusive. I’m still amazed by the simplicity of the approach and its lasting effect. I am still the same person; touched and moved by the same things BUT, not affected as much as I would in the past, which gives me full access to my brain to make rational decisions. What is more amazing is the effects after only one session. There is no magic, but it feels like magic. Thank you." - Audrey H.

"Alex has helped me more than I could have ever imagined! He is very professional and dedicates all the time needed during the consultation for his client. Having seen Alex has been life-changing." - Sarah R.

"I’m actually feeling great, better than ever!!! I pretty much spent the past few days since we saw each other telling my friends and family about you and the positive results I had after our session. I am forever grateful for all you did for me. Thank you!!" - Sofia S.

“For the first time in my life I feel beautiful inside and out, whole, and powerful. After 25 years of drowning in confusion. I am healed! Surviving rape associated with traumatic sexual abuse and emotional manipulations are extreme experiences. Healing from rape and sexual trauma are complex processes that are deeply linked to the power of the subconscious.  
The last few weeks of my healing process have been truly fascinating. I would say that this period has been one of the most fascinating periods of my life. Although I felt great the day after the hypnosis therapy, I wanted to make sure that I had cleared all negativity surrounding this crazy event. My conscious mind was not convinced…So, I scheduled another session a week later, only to come to the realization during the treatment that there was no negativity left there…and that everything had been cleared the first time around. Alex was right. We have done most of the work. I am healed!"  - M. Parizeau

"Amazing experience. I highly recommend trying Somatic Hypnotherapy. I released a lot of shame and anxiety that was being held in my body. I feel more confident and less anxious. Alex is a talented empathic human doing amazing work." - Tara T.

”Somatic Hypnotherapy has been one of the most extraordinary experiences of my life. Only one session of this mind blowing approach put an end to my many years of suffering. I highly recommend it to anyone with a health problem, be it emotional or somatic. Alex is a genuine and trustworthy hypnotherapist. Highly recommended! ” - Karina I.

"Alex is a master of his craft and truly an amazing humble soul. If you are in need of help to release and let go of deep emotional pains and fears, then I can not think of a greater guide and healer. After the session I felt my confidence return and noticed my posture improved immediately - truly a magical experience. No matter how many times I say thank you I feel like it will never be enough because if I had continued down this terrible path things would have only gotten worst for me. Alex helped me free myself from my shackles. I can finally begin my journey with my head held high." -  R. Singh

"I was struggling with my negative emotions for a long time to the point that it was debilitating and I could not work. I’ve tried different forms of therapy that did not work however this one did! Thank you so much for changing my life, I am forever grateful. I highly recommend this service! Thank you again!" - Daniella M.

“Thank you Alex for helping me so much with my sleep disorder and overwhelming anxiety. Your philosophy and understanding of how the brain works is impressive! I feel so much better since I had a session with you 7 days ago. I have suggested to friends and some family members how they could benefit from your amazing abilities. Thank you for all you do.” - Jon G.

"I really enjoyed my first and only visit to Alex's office. He is confident and professional in a comfortable setting. As a master of his craft, he guided me to a place where I could feel and heal the issues that were dragging me down. I highly recommend him and his therapy to anyone who is burdened with unwanted emotions." - Tony P.

"I had my first ever hypnotherapy session. I admit. I felt not very comfortable during the session. The way Alex talked to me was not polished. But he was very confident in what he was doing. After the session, I felt like I wasted my money. After a month, I didn’t feel any improvement regarding my issues he tried to help me with. But now it had been a year since that session, and I admit he helped a lot. All the issues I asked help with are no longer present in my life. My mind doesn’t even think about those things (although I always thought about it for years). So, apparently, Alex hypnosis worked. It is hard for me to admit but it is true." - Canadian Critic

"I had what I thought was an incurable fear of flying. Everytime I would plan s trip, leading up to it i would intense anxiety and nausea which would cloud my everyday judgement and my overall happiness. I would have the same until I arrived to my destination and it would start all over again until the next flight. I felt like I would never get over it and I started to accept that feeling everytime I would travel. I went to see Alex Priala because every other help I tried was without success. After one session I started to see some differences. I would get less anxiety and nausea leading up to my flight and once I was on the plane, I was able to stay relaxed and cooled down. I never thought that would happen to me but I can say that going to see Alex changed the way I felt about flying and made a huge difference in my internal feelings towards flying. I am eternally grateful for Alex’s help and patience." - Shimon Z.

"Alex is a master of his craft and truly an amazing humble soul. If you are in need of help to release and let go of deep emotional pains and fears then I can not think of a greater guide and healer. After the session I felt my confidence return and noticed my posture improved immediately. Truly a magical experience. No matter how many times I say thank you I feel like it will never be enough because if I had continued down this terrible path things would have only gotten worse for me. Alex helped me free myself from my own shackles. I can finally begin my journey with my head held high."- Ranjit S.

"I found out my husband of 22 years has been having an affair, I was devastated. Not sure how I was going to get through it, I did some research and decided to try the Somatic Hypnotherapy. (regular therapy did not interest me). Boy, I am glad I did. Alex has helped me tremendously, I am so impressed and so grateful to him. He helped me through some traumatic events and my ongoing divorce proceedings. I highly recommend Alex. Thanks again Alex." - Pam M.

"This is a game changer! A few hours of work with Alex and you can instantly get rid of those deep emotional feelings that keep you depressed, that hurt so much you can't breathe, that erode your immune system and that lead to chronic illnesses, pain, and addictive habits that don't serve you. With 1 session, you can wake up the next day feeling like an optimist, without the heavy pain of emotional feelings keeping you bitter and downtrodden.
Those memories that haunt you, don't hurt anymore. It feels like they happened to someone else. Get fast results. Don't waste another day or decade on old wounds. Then embrace gratitude and rewire your brain for optimism." - Patchkey L.

"Somatic Hypnotherapy with Alex is an amazing experience. The therapy is powerful and effective. I also learned a lot from our conversations before and after the therapy and found his words of wisdom to be as important and useful as the therapy itself. I highly recommend this therapy and feel lucky that I came across Alex's services. I am also grateful to the previous reviewers whose reviews helped nudge me to set up my first appointment.  I can tell that the hypnotherapy and our conversations will continue to have a positive impact on my life long term." - Liesl P.

“I wasn't sure what to expect at first but Mr. Priala made me feel comfortable and in just one session I noticed positive changes in all the areas addressed during the session. Mr. Priala is confident and reassuring. I wish I would have come across his services earlier. If you are hesitant I strongly suggest you try because you have nothing to lose and so much to gain” - Suzana B.

“What an amazing experience! I am no longer hijacked by my past experiences and negative emotions. I have benefited more from 2 sessions with Alex than I have in several years of therapy. It works. Alex kindly shares his knowledge and he really cares about helping people which makes it even more useful. He also made me feel very comfortable and safe so I am very thankful to him.” – Sue V.

"I went into a session with no idea what to expect outside of what I had seen on TV. Mr. Priala absolutely surpassed my expectations. Suffering with so many physical symptoms manifested by emotions, Mr. Priala guided me through everything to thoroughly allow traumas to leave my body, thus healing or improving a myriad of symptoms. He educated me on so much, and I left feeling not only gratitude for meeting someone as incredible at the craft as he is, but also empowered to take charge of my health, learning how to let go. I 100% recommend him to anyone suffering with inexplicable symptoms, and anyone truly willing and ready to change their lives. He is a blessing." - Rosie L.P.

“My hypnotherapy session was eye-opening! It really helped me let go of stories that kept me stuck and re-living the painful scenarios of my past. It got me to see just how quickly emotional pain can dissipate with the right kind of process. I now understand the relationship between my thoughts and feelings and I know this wisdom will help me be more resilient in my life from now on. Thank you Alex to have helped me see clearly!” - Elina S.

"A Powerful enlightening experience. I had the opportunity to work with Alex Priala to tackle many issues that were holding me back by acknowledging my feelings somatically. I felt a significant change after one session and by the second, I have overcome So much trauma and pain. The changes are everlasting and I never felt this empowered. He provides a safe space to understand you and support your healing. I highly recommend somatic hypnotherapy guided by Alex to heal! Thank you Alex :)" - Olivia E.

"Anxiety, fear, paranoia and negative thoughts has intermittently taken over me the past year due to a certain life situation. I meditate, affirmations, cold showers, gratitude, you name it. I Cross fit at least 3 times a week and on a plant based for years. Blood work impeccable. I still had a hard time shaking it off. I took and appointment with Alex in attempt to reprogram my mind. Not sure exactly what he did but it has been 3 days since my session, and I have been very calm since. Alex takes his time. Does not pressure you and genuinely wants to help. I asked him about another session and his words were: “you don’t need it”. I am still confused on how he was so confident, but I guess he mastered his craft." - Mike B.

"Mr. Priala embodies the traits of a healer. I felt safe and heard and I feel I finally put what was blocking me behind. Not only is the hypnosis effective, the changes are immediate and they keep growing with time. I got to change things that were holding me back."-  Doha M.

"In one session, Alex was able to help me leave behind several unconscious discomforts. The change was instantaneous and real. He is a true master of his art and a gentleman. I would recommend his services to anybody who is open minded and ready for real change but needs a little push to set them up for success." - A. Rajao

“What a wonderful experience! I really enjoyed my therapy, after only one session he helped me with many negative feelings and thoughts. Alex is very kind and generous with his knowledge, skills and especially his time. I am touched by his caring and how he follows-up! Clearly he loves what he does. Highly recommend!” - Anisse D.

“Alex is great. He really dives deep into issues and he is so knowledgeable. He truly cares about people. He’s helped me with many intrusive thoughts” - Niruja T.

“Alex is a master in his skill to help people move past what's holding them back. He was generous, patient, understanding, provided a safe space where I felt a massive shift working a few sessions with him. I highly recommend him to anyone who's looking for support to have a healthy mind and body. ” – Hazel F.

“Alex is truly a master at his craft. He has a way of putting you at ease, and the experience itself is truly eye opening & life changing. From my personal experience after a few days I’m feeling much lighter & optimistic, and what would once cause me distress has suddenly washed away. Thank you Alex!!” – Erica

“Mr. Priala has amazing capabilities to heal!” – Mohammed E.

"Thank you so much for giving me a new feeling and a new way of looking at things.  I am starting to see subtle changes already in my daily life but more than that I feel freedom inside myself. Now when I think about the negative things in my past it is almost abstract like it happened to another me. I'm most grateful! Thank you again and live long and prosper." - Klassike

"I visited Alex 2 weeks ago. Since then, I've felt so light, so clear and overall living without anxiety and fears. I'm someone whose a big believer in mindset and no one has put it the way he has which has really changes my perspective. We also went into some deep issues that I don't see the way I once had. The best part is that he says healing is a process and I now believe that but more importantly, I feel healed!" - Marina Z.

“Alex has been very helpful in helping me process and let go of past traumatic events. He has a deep understanding of emotions and how they impact our daily reality. The hypnotherapy he does is not some weird brainwashing like you see in the movies, but rather a very practical and embodied way to get in touch with your emotional body and release any negative feelings that may be bothering you. It is definitely worth a try!” - Ethan B.

"I highly recommend Alex to anyone suffering from anxiety and stress. I had anxiety for years and after my first session I felt a sense of calm and relief. He is such a genuine person and you can tell he really wants to help people." - Zineb B.

"I would like to share to encourage those of you whom are suffering and afraid to step forward and allow yourself to be open to experience deep healing and release of your carried trauma and wounding. Life can be beautiful again and this modality of Somatic Hypnotherapy which Alex Priala offers can immediately facilitate your shift back to your self-empowerment. Be brave, be stronger than your pain and move forward. Thank you Alex, In gratitude, Jennifer Templeman"

"I have had the good fortune and blessings to have met Alex to work on my emotions generated by my severe anxiety. Alex was able to clear several traumatic events in my life and as such, they don’t present any unpleasant emotions anymore when I think about them or when similar situations present themselves.  I’m very grateful to God for these extraordinary changes and for having guided me to Alex along my spiritual path. Thank you Alex and God bless you." - Ara A.

"Despite my mixed feelings of hope and reluctance I had towards the promises of this approach, my experience has been very positive. It's been a few weeks since I came to see Mr Priala for old emotional and somatic issues. I am still puzzled by the surpriding effectiveness of this seemingly simple, yet very distinct and consistent approach. I started to experience significant changes during therapy and things continue to improve. Thank you for the mind opening session!" - J. Kirshner

“Alex clearly loves what he does. He took the time to explain important notions and helped me heal from my traumas. 10 minutes before arriving at his office, I got a call saying that my grandfather was dying of Covid. I was sobbing and wiped my tears when I entered his office late. After the session, I felt energetic and hopeful. I have social anxiety and typically feel very stressed for my Zoom meetings but had no anxiety on Monday when I had to present to my class. Thank you Alex!” - Jade L.

"Alex is an excellent professional. He helped me to deal with a few of my anxieties regarding to my past traumas. I got rid of some pain as well after the therapy. I would definitely recommend to visit him." - Ani H.

"Since my meeting with Alex, I feel more relax, no anxiety manifestation so far and the traumas that were affecting my life have no negative effect on me. Highly recommended!! " - Gerly D.

“I feel so much better finally I found myself and I can breathe again...anxiety and everything that comes with it is gone. Thank you!”  - Christina T.

"I definitely recommend Somatic Hypnotherapy! It gives you a chance to heal from whatever you are going through and recover!” - Annie G.

“I had a great experience. Alex helped me deal with my anxiety and now I feel more at peace with myself.” - Michele A.

“I have met with Mr. Priala a couple of times for different issues and I have to say his methods are amazing! He is honest, very professional and takes the time to truly understand and help. You don't feel rushed. I highly recommend his services to anyone seeking help.” - Anne L.

“I was having extremely high anxiety that was preventing me from being able to function in everyday life. After a couple of sessions with M. Priala, my anxiety has been significantly reduced. I still have a little, but I've been able to resume a fairly normal life. I can even think about the source of my anxiety and only feel a small twinge, rather than being paralyzed by it.” - Sara D.

“I highly recommend Somatic Hypnotherapy with Alex. I have noticed a large change in my life with the short time we have spent together. Dealing with addiction and traumatic events, Alex has helped me get control and change the way I deal with these issues. In many occasions I have been able to write and phone Alex when I feel I'm loosing control, and each time he has help me get back on the right path. I am truly grateful to have met Alex and tried Somatic Hypnotherapy." - Karim S.

"This therapy was fascinating to say the least. Alex's holistic methodology was very effective in helping me to get clarity on a persistent recurring problem. This Somatic Hypnotherapy session has given me a new pathway moving forward." Mark Y.

“Really appreciate Alex’s work and his approach to helping me with my mind. I felt lost and helpless before, but since seeing him, I feel much more secure and confident. I highly recommend seeing him for anyone who needs help w life, past life, like i did.” - David M.

"I had a very nice experience.  I highly recommend. Thank you M. Priala!" - Pura V.

"I contacted Alex regarding anxiety issues & one session made a difference, I’m now back on track.  Many tks Alex." - Diane M.

“Alex helped me a lot. He really knows what he is doing. He is very trustworthy, and honest. I would recommend his services to anyone.” - Jennifer P.

“Very good experience with this therapy, it was truly helpful in my recovery during a difficult period in my life.” - Marcia R.

“Just one session with Alex and I already see improvements in my anxiety and stress responses! Thank you!” - Stefanie M.

"A lot of experience, great person and amazing results! Highly recommended!" - Y. D. Yuan

“I really enjoyed my experience after only one session. This was different than anything else I had experienced and I truly felt like I was floating after. A few weeks have passed and I still have this feeling. Highly recommend!” – Stefania N.

“Had my doubts about hypnotherapy, feeling anxious because of major surgery coming-up and also claustrophobic, had one session with Alex and I have no more doubts, problems solved. Thank you Alex!” - Alain H.


« Magnifique expérience, je conseille les yeux fermés, son approche et son professionnalisme sont incroyable. Il nous met en confiance et une fois l'expérience finie on se sent frais, grand et fort que ce soit pour la phobie ou une douleur pesante et accablante il redonne courage et force de continuer sans ces peurs craintes et doutes...Merci infiniment Alex. » Corinne B.

« Une expérience dont je ressors changée et épatée! Mr Priala a fait pour moi ce que beaucoup n’ont pas pu faire depuis plusieurs années maintenant, Il m’a guérit ! Et j’ai enfin le sentiment de vivre, d’avoir une vie tout court. Je n’ai plus peur de rien et j’ose enfin aller vers les choses que j’ai toujours désirées. Et tout cela après une séance. Un grand merci à monsieur Priala pour son aide et son accompagnement, car il m’a changé la vie. » F. Kagnassy

« Wow! Voilà quelques semaines que j’ai rencontré Alex Priala et je constate que je vais incroyablement mieux. Je lâche prise tellement plus facilement, le hamster dans ma tête s’est calmé. Et sachez que je suis assez sceptique de nature; j’ai l’esprit plutôt scientifique J’ai mis un certain temps à me sentir bien, mais je me répétais de laisser-aller en me concentrant sur un moment fort de la séance, et pouf! il s’est produit une espèce de miracle. Merci énormément, M. Priala.» - Claire G.

« J’aimerais exprimer toute ma gratitude envers monsieur Priala pour l’extraordinaire expérience vécue lors de ma 1ère session d’hypnothérapie à vie ainsi que pour les bienfaits qui s’en suivent. Je vous le recommande fortement... ce fût très révélateur et positif pour moi. » Josee C.

« Monsieur Priala, Je vous remercies de votre sincérité, de votre empathie et de votre enthousiasme. J'ai toujours confondu mon plan avec ceux des autres, mais notre première séance fut un réveil d'alarme qui a changé ma vie. Malgré le fait que je n'ai pas eu de réels traumatismes, vous m'avez aidé à mieux maîtriser et comprendre mes émotions, afin de me rendre plus intelligent qu'auparavant. L'expérience fut rapide, discret et calme, mais je n'oublierais l'impact que cela a fait sur ma vie. Merci à vous, j'ai trouvé mon rêve. » M. Fang

« J’ai effectué une séance avec Alex qui s’est révélée être une véritable libération pour moi. Certains “traumatismes” petits ou grands avaient encore une emprise sur moi et me provoquaient des insomnies, du stress et anxiété ainsi que migraine et rongeage d’ongles. A la sortie je me suis sentie libérée. Mes épaules étaient redescendue, ma confiance est revenue. J’ai retrouvé le sommeil et l’envie d’entreprendre de nouvelles choses dans ma vie. Merci Alex pour cette aide si précieuse. Je recommande l’hypnose somatique qui est un outil puissant pour retrouver le bien être. » Audrey S.

« Il m'a fallu un certain temps pour rédiger ce compte-rendu des résultats obtenus suite à mes rendez-vous avec M. Priala. Je peux confirmer avec certitude l'apport positif que sa méthode a eu sur ma vie. J'ai souffert de plusieurs expériences vécues dans ma jeunesse, qui laisseront clairement des séquelles sur ma vision de mon petit univers. Suite à un échange des plus intéressants et fluides, en un coup de baguette, plusieurs de ses expériences se sont transformées en expériences banales voire positives ! Jamais, au grand jamais, je n'aurais cru que cette sérénité qui m'habite était possible. Je suis très reconnaissante à Alex, qui a su mettre le doigt sur mes maux et mes douleurs et neutraliser leur impact, me libérant ainsi de ces sociétés qui m'empêchaient de vivre pleinement la magie de la vie. Merci Alex sans réserve, un immense merci pour ta grande générosité et ta participation à ma nouvelle perspective sur la vie. » Mélo A.

« Je remercie Alex Priala pour sa grande empathie, son temps qualitatif et quantitatif à l’écoute de ma demande. Nous avons pris le temps de comprendre ensemble les fondements de certains patterns pour leur laisser une place et ainsi leur permettre de se dissoudre via un très beau travail en hypnose somatique.
Alex vous accueille dans son cabinet avec grande bienveillance et sera aussi honnête qu’expert pour vous dire s’il peut vous aider dans votre problématique. J’ai senti une différence le jour même mais surtout le travail profond retentit actuellement à distance de la séance. Une séance peut suffire! Un grand merci Alex Priala ! »  Lucia H. F.

« C'est en deux séances qu'Alex Priala m'a aidé à faire la paix avec de vieux sentiments qui m'empêchaient de vivre pleinement ma vie présente. Si vous êtes motivé et prêt pour changer, je vous recommande ses services. » Marie-Claire C.

« Excellente expérience ! C’était ma première expérience d’hypnose et je ne savais pas du tout à quoi m’attendre. Alex est formidable, il est très abordable, gentil et à l’écoute. Je n’ai su qu’à la fin de ma séance que le rdv suivant s’était trouvé annulé, quand j’ai vu que je n’avais pas passé 2 h, mais bien 4 h (!) à parler avec Alex qui avait pris sur lui de m’accorder tout ce temps supplémentaire. Je ne venais pas pour un problème précis à régler, mais plutôt un mal-être généralisé. Ma séance d’hypnothérapie avec Alex m’a vraiment permis de me libérer de beaucoup d’expériences douloureuses entassées au faire et à mesure du temps et qui participaient à mon mal-être. Aujourd’hui je me sens tellement mieux ! Et les premiers effets sont immédiats ! Bref, je ne peux que recommander  Alex Priala ! J'ai compris et accepté tellement de choses qui me gâchaient la vie grâce à vous ! En sortant j'étais vidée et ça m'a pris tout le weekend pour m'en remettre, c'est dire à quel point les changements qui se font sont intenses et profonds. Encore merci ! » Mélanie V.

« Au-delà de l'aide que Alex Priala m'a apporté pour une peur de l'avion, j'ai retenu un enseignement utile pour rester en contrôle de ma vie. Je recommande son précieux service. » Caroline D.

« Après  avoir fait 2 séances d'Hypnothérapie Somatique ; j'ai eu des résultats phénoménaux. Ma perception de la vie s'est énormément transformée. Merci » Julie M.

« Si vous avez besoin d'aide pour guérir de votre traumatisme et trouver le bonheur et la paix de l’esprit, Alex Priala vous aidera. C’est garanti ! Quelle belle expérience ! » Alex F.

« Alex m'a beaucoup aider. Les changements son majeurs et rapides. Je recommande a chaque personne de rencontrer Alex. Il peut vous aider comme il l'a fait pour moi !! Merci » - Joanie D.

« Très professionnel et très efficace! Une phobie qui m’accompagnait depuis mon enfance est chose du passé. Je vous le recommande! » Gabrielle C.

« Pour avoir fait de l'hypnose traditionnelle, l'hypnose somatique n'a pas besoin de savoir d'où vient le problème; on travaille les ressentis sans en connaître la source. "On se fou de comment le bras s'est cassé, on veut le réparer c'est tout. Depuis ce jour, mon énergie à changée, les gens m'abordent d'une autre façon, les personnes négatives se sont tassées et de nouvelles entrent dans ma vie. Le site d'Alex Priala explique très bien le processus. Merci Alex! » François C.

« Wow! Quel homme ou plutôt, quel magicien! Deux jours après être allée rencontrer M. Alex Priala, j’ai été estomaquée de constater d’énormes changements. Par exemple, les discussions avec une personne proche ont toujours étés irritantes et difficiles depuis la nuit des temps. Bref, trois jours après ma rencontre avec M. Priala, je recevais cette personne chez moi. J’ai écouté attentivement son discours sans agacements et contre toute attente, je lui vouais même une admiration candide lors de la discussion!
Pour ne nommer que cet événement qui s’est traduit comme par un « miracle », je suis en mesure de confirmer que les services de M. Priala demeurent inégalés. Merci encore Alex!
Avec toute mon affection » Anabel M.

« J'ai rencontré M.Priala dans le cadre de mon cheminement personnel. Avec une belle éthique, il a su m'accompagner et m'aider a me soulager d'un poids de souffrance qui m'empêchait de respirer profondément. Je profite maintenant de la vie et cultive davantage la gratitude. Merci M.Priala. » Élaine L.

« J’ai rencontré Alex grâce à la recommandation d’une amie. J’étais très nerveuse au début mais Alex à réussi à mettre à l’aise. Il est très professionnel et après 2 séances a réussi à effacer des traumatismes et phobies qui me suivaient depuis plusieurs années ! Il m’a aussi donné des outils qui m’aideront pour le reste de ma vie ! Il a changé ma vie ! Merci encore Alex ! » Anaëlle B.

« Merci à vous cher Alex. Je crois que je vais garder pour toujours avec moi les images de cet endroit où je me suis retrouvé par votre guidance. Pourquoi cet endroit? Je ne sais pas, mais c’est ce qui s’est passé qui a tellement de valeur pour moi maintenant. Comme la mémoire d’un voyage extraordinaire et initiatique. » Serge L.

« Merci Alex! Vous m'avez permis d'éliminer les sentiments négatifs liés à plusieurs expériences que j'ai vécues. Seul je n'aurai pas été capable de faire ce ménage dans ma conscience. Je suis profondément soulagé des douleurs physiques et émotionnelles que j'ai accumulées avant de vous rencontrer. Je recommande à tout le monde l'hypnothérapie pour mieux vivre avec soi-même et les autres » Pierre Antoine B.

« Quelle belle façon simple et efficace de changer notre propre vie, guérir nos blessures. Une séance d’hypnose somatique, et la magie s’opère….la vie devient plus légère. Un gros merci Monsieur Priala » Charlotte L.

« Très belle expérience. Je me suis senti mieux! La technique et les discours qu’utilise Alex m’ont appris à prendre les choses beaucoup plus à la légère et réaliser qu’il n’y a rien qui en vaut la peine. Merci beaucoup! » – Cynthia

« Expérience incroyable!! Très, très satisfaite. Merci infiniment » Salima S.


Hypnothérapie Somatique - 186 Sutton Pl, suite 104, Beaconsfield, Montréal, Qc