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Overcoming emotional traumas

     If you are looking for a fast and reliable approach to healing your traumas, you have come to the right place!

Emotional traumas are emotional wounds that are as disturbing, painful, and debilitating as physical injuries are. Most often, emotional trauma results from intense, repeated, or lasting stressful life events that can stretch emotional tension beyond your tolerated limits.

When you accidentally hurt your knee, the resulting pain is a reliable measure of the extent of the trauma suffered. The pain that follows is not there to punish you for the accident, but to signal that you are injured and to make you limp out of a survival instinct that will protect the injury and promote healing. And you will only limp as long as the injury has not yet healed and your knee is still painful - not as long as you remember what happened! Similarly, when you are hurt emotionally, the painful emotional feelings that follow are there as a survival mechanism that will restrict and control your behaviour to protect you from similar injuries and promote healing.

While physical wounds are caused only by something that actually happened, and only to the extent that it happened, emotional wounds can be caused not only by what happened objectively but also by the subjective perception of what happened or could have happened. What has the potential to fulfill or to haunt one's life is the reading of the emotional memory of an event, not the event itself. Thus, the only accurate measure of a traumatic event is how you perceive it - not the objective assessment of the event or what others think or say about it.

The common perception is that stress and anxiety are caused by external factors, processes, and events that happen to you, such as health issues, aging, family, career, financial matters, social ties, loneliness, life’s purpose, self-esteem, etc. Yet, you are not passively undergoing any of these. You are the one who makes sense of these everyday experiences, and it is you who perceive them as stressful, emotionally neutral, or joyful events. In the long run, the cumulative effect of stress and anxiety can wreak havoc havoc on your mind and body. Living with lasting stress or anxiety is much like living in a house full of mold. You feel it, and it hurts you even if you do not see or touch it.

Stress never really stays in your head. When you are stressed, it is not only your mental but your spirit, soul, and body that are stressed, and you feel it inside of you. Stress is an emotional feeling that inhabits you! Your mental acknowledges and confirms its presence in your life by shifting your mind into a specific, stressed state of mind. For as long as the stress is bearable, it will most likely be dissipated through the resilience mechanism, or eventually, induce bearable levels of anxiety. When the stress becomes extreme and stretches the perceived emotional tension beyond your tolerated limit, the emotional response mechanisms may not be able to handle the load, and you can get hurt, and may end up traumatized.

When they do occur occasionally, stress, anxiety, or other negative emotions are not disorders in themselves, nor are they normative concepts. However, whatever the nature of your stress, anxiety, trauma, or other emotional issues, as soon as you perceive it as an overwhelming experience, it strongly indicates that you are dealing with more than a regular, adaptive emotional response. It's time either to do an online self-assessment or, better yet, talk to your doctor. Nevertheless, this approach can still be used as complementary therapy to help relieve your bothersome symptoms, regardless of your health condition!

Although most people associate emotional trauma with exposure to extreme, unpredictable, and uncontrollable life-threatening situations - such as war, natural disasters, major accidents, assault, or kidnapping - most of those who suffer from emotional trauma have not themselves experienced nor witnessed dangerous events. The human brain is versatile and can receive information of any nature. When exposed to horrible things, it is not the brain that is likely to be injured, but our guardians of moral standards, the soul and spirit, are likely to be injured when pushed to beyond our limits. For this reason, emotional, physical, or sexual abuse, and bullying at school, at work, or at home are the leading causes of emotional traumas.

When the stress related to past events is lasting, and you remain constantly on high alert and irrationally focused on specific triggers related to past events, you are probably dealing with traumatic stress. In that case, specific noises, sounds, images, gestures, words, smells, or thoughts can trigger flashbacks and irrational behaviors. When a trigger reminds you of a traumatic event, time will seem to collapse, and you’ll feel a similar degree of fear or terror as you did when the original event happened. Thus, when exposed to your alert trigger, you can feel fearful or even terrorized in common situations that don’t represent any real danger to a rational mind.

Even though emotional trauma seems to be a highly individual experience, trans-generational PTSD, or hereditary trauma, as well as behavioral patterns may be transmitted across generations through the process of parental epigenetic programming. Thus, traumatic experiences can be passed down from generation to generation, such that children 6 years old and even younger may suffer from preschool traumatic stress and display similar behavioral issues as their parents, or their ancestors. Since in Somatic Hypnotherapy you do not necessarily need to understand or to know the exact roots of your irrational negative feelings to be able to uproot them, this approach is the therapy of choice for most symptoms related to hereditary and trans-generational emotional traumas.

Unlike conventional hypnotherapy approaches that focus on adding a fresh layer of positive emotions over your lasting fears and traumas, Somatic Hypnotherapy is all about releasing the past by rearranging the emotional reading of the past traumatic experiences. In its change management framework, this approach focuses on changing the perception of past unpleasant events by altering the somatic component of negative emotions associated with unpleasant events. An emotional trauma is not healed until, when you think about it or talk about what happened, you hardly feel anything inside that bothers still you.

Regardless of whether your trauma has been induced by dangerous events, sexual or physical abuse, bullying or emotional abuse, or has been trans-generationally inherited, Somatic Hypnotherapy is an efficient tool to decompress the triggers and to release the symptoms. This is possible thanks to a technique specific to Somatic Hypnotherapy that disables the traumatic emotional response pattern through a quick and efficient dissociative process between the traumatic emotions and the factual memories associated with that event.

Somatic Hypnotherapy can help you experience a significant improvement in the following symptoms of emotional traumas:

  • Re-experiencing the traumatic event
  • Frequent, upsetting thoughts or memories about a traumatic event
  • Recurrent nightmares
  • Acting or feeling as though the traumatic event is happening again - sometimes called a flashback
  • Having strong feelings of distress when reminded of the traumatic event
  • Physical responses when reminded of the traumatic event, such as a surge in your heart rate or sweating
  • Actively avoiding people, places, or situations that remind you of the traumatic event
  • Trying to avoid thoughts, feelings, or conversations about the traumatic event
  • Trying to avoid places or people that remind you of the traumatic event
  • Making sure you're too busy to have time to think about the traumatic event
  • Feeling keyed up or on edge, known as hyper-arousal
  • Having a difficult time falling or staying asleep
  • Feeling more irritable or having outbursts of anger
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Feeling constantly on guard or like danger is lurking around every corner
  • Being jumpy or easily startled
  • Having negative thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about yourself and others
  • Having a difficult time remembering important parts of the traumatic event
  • A loss of interest in important activities you once considered positive
  • Feeling distant from others
  • Experiencing difficulties having positive feelings, such as happiness or love
  • Feeling as though your life may be cut short

After your first session in Somatic Hypnotherapy, you will experience a significant improvement in your trauma-related anxiety, whatever its nature. You'll feel as if your heart has forgotten the stressful, anxious, traumatic, or painful component of the unpleasant events of your past, while your cognitive memory keeps intact the factual details After a maximum of three sessions, while revisiting the images, sounds, and cognitive understanding of the factual events of your trauma, you will feel as if your traumatic experience hapenned hundred of years ago, and time has erased the negative feelings associated with the event that we have worked.

At the end of your therapy, you will be able to review the traumatic events we worked on and watch them like a movie that no longer touches you. As you release the patterns of your overreactions, you will change your perception of those past experiences, which in turn will readjust your behavior. Once the healing process is completed, the victims of a traumatic event will be able to confront a past threat or traumatic memory much more rationally, and without excessive fearful feelings or uncontrolled reactions.

Following your Somatic Hypnosis therapy, you will be able to think anything you want about the once troubling events we have worked on, and your thoughts will no longer have the power to awaken your old, once painful, or unpleasant feelings. Don’t remain imprisoned by memories of what others have done: don't allow them to cripple your life.

As stress and anxiety are most likely the leading cause of your issues, before filling in the appointment request, please self-assess your anxiety online and make an informed choice.

The "No Results - No Pay" principle guarantees my integrity and applies to all my therapies.

Contact me and book your appointment today! Let this be the most exciting experience of your life, and I will be happy to help you on your journey.

You can reach me by filling out the contact form below.

Disclaimer: The above article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author. It is intended for general informational purposes and does not constitute psychological or medical professional advice. I don't diagnose medical conditions, nor do I interfere with any treatments given by your medical professional.

If you already are under the care of a doctor or under medical treatment, follow the advice and treatment recommended by your doctor. For any medical emergency, call the Info-Santé service by dialing 8-1-1

*The results may vary from person to person.

Somatic Hypnotherapy - 186 Sutton Pl, suite 104, Beaconsfield, Montréal, Qc, H9W5S3

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