The healing
Healing is an innate process that brings positive changes, notably repair of damage and injury, remission of illness, relief of symptoms, regaining lost energy, serenity, joy, meaning in life, etc.
Somatic Hypnotherapy being a holistic naturopathic approach, one of its premises is that the mind and body have an innate capacity to self-heal. Your subconscious mind knows how to retrieve spiritual and emotional balance and help you achieve mental acuity, joy, and emotional serenity. Your body knows how to rebuild broken bones, heal wounds, repair or eliminate diseased cells, restore physiological processes, fight infections, and preserve vitality.
The goal of this approach is to trigger these inborn healing processes. Although these healing processes are natural self-healing mechanisms, they are energy intensive and, therefore, cannot occur while you are so emotionally drained that all you can do is fight for survival. However, by resting or releasing stress, anxiety, trauma, and pain, you regain vitality. Thus, the body creates a positive feedback loop through the autonomic nervous system, which can trigger a healing process that can significantly improve the state of mind and symptoms of various medical conditions.
The only catch is that even though healing is a self-healing process triggered by removing or correcting the causes of your problems, healing cannot go against your will or beliefs. If you think the pain from a broken bone is in your head and you don't see a doctor to align and cast the broken pieces to protect your healing, it could hinder the healing of the fracture. However, if you believe everything in life is a miracle and have already had your Somatic Hypnotherapy session, don't waste time reading further; listen to your spirit and enjoy your ongoing healing.
If you don't believe in miracles and still want to welcome your change, you must feed your cognitive mind's curiosity with a rational understanding of the healing process. Whether it is about healing bones or your mind, you'll have to understand, make sense of it, and nurture your ongoing healing process, or at least welcome and protect it. Therefore, no therapy can push your emotional healing beyond the limits of your beliefs about the nature of emotions and how stress, anxiety, trauma, and other unpleasant feelings can impact your state of mind, behavior, and overall well-being.
When it comes to a broken bone, once the fracture has been assessed, the best your orthopedist can do is line up and immobilize the fractured parts of the bone in a cast and let it heal. Wanting to heal and understanding that you must avoid straining the limb with the broken bone while it heals, is your job! When it comes to emotional and behavioral issues, rather than having - as for the fractured bones, a one size fits all model - we are dealing with 82 different scientific models.
According to my approach, the harsh emotional reality you face is likely due to an unintentional projection of your negative emotional buildup into the background of your daily life reality. Therefore, this approach aims to help you uproot your piled-up stress, anxiety, traumas, pains, and other disturbing feelings you accumulated. Because, living with negative emotional response patterns is like walking with stones in your shoes. This will likely hurt your feet in the long run, and healing these deep wounds can't happen overnight!
The above assumptions were the guiding philosophy behind identifying and uprooting the top layer of negative emotional buildup made up of your worst memories, a process we completed during your first therapy session. Not only did we remove the unpleasant emotional feelings associated with your worst nightmares, but we tested twice near the end of our meeting to make sure all those disturbing feelings were gone for good. Right after your session, when you mentally review the once stressful, anxious, or traumatic events we worked on, you will be surprised to find that your emotional reality has already shifted.
Although you can still think whatever you want, the pattern of your emotional reactions and the feelings you experience when reviewing the once unpleasant memories is a new reality! When you check your once troubling experiences we have worked on, you'll feel as if your heart has significantly eased or even completely forgotten the stressful, anxious,